We work to enhance the image of LaGrange College, using tools that include public relations, advertising, publications and the World Wide Web. And, we're here to help you.
If you can't find an appropriate resource in the links at right, please contact us.
If you need electronic files of the logo or wordmark please contact:
LaGrange College Communications and Marketing Office
706.880.8247 phone
706.880.8354 fax
Ordering Items
To order LaGrange College stationery items such as letterhead, envelopes, business cards and other printed and copied items, please place your order through the LaGrange College Copy/Mail Center.
When ordering other items containing the LaGrange College logo or wordmark for the first time, consult the Communications and Marketing Office for an identity guideline review and vendor recommendation. This office can help point you to vendors who have met LaGrange College’s quality and price standards. These vendors are also accustomed to working with LaGrange College marks and have a working knowledge of the College’s visual identity guidelines.